Digital Reference Data Library based on ISO 15926 Part 14
A key deliverable from READI is the Digital Reference Library (RDL) which is built according to the ISO 15926 Part 14 standard.
The RDL is developed as a joint collaboration between the READI JIP and the Krafla (Equinor)-/NOA (AkerBP) field development projects. The parts which are finalized and publish are the Top- and Upper Domain Independent ontologies.
The RDL is published by POSC Caesar Association, and available here
On this page READI publishes more information about the RDL.
Material from 'READI/NOAKA workshop: Presentation of PoscCaesar ISO 15926 Part 14 Reference Data Library'
Below, the recording and presentations from a workshop arranged by READI and the NOAKA field development project the new digital Reference Data Library (RDL) , including a guided tour through the RDL, insight in how the data are documented and represented and examples on application of the reference data that allow automatic reasoning and processing of information, was presented.
Recording of the workshop. (Please note that the recording started about 40 minutes into the workshop, during agenda item ‘Access to the reference data’.)