About us

Initiated by the Sector Board Petroleum

The READI JIP was originally initiated as the “NORSOK Z-TI project” in 2017 by the Sector Board Petroleum, an entity administrated by Standards Norway, mandated to ensure overall standardization in the industry through coordination of international standardization work in ISO and CEN and the industry standardization work of NORSOK.

The Sector board consist of representatives from the main stakeholders in the industry: The NORSOK owners (Norwegian Oil and Gas Association, Norwegian Industry and Norwegian Shipowners Association), regulators and employee organizations, as well as DNV and Standards Norway.

Financing and membership

The READI project is financed by it’s members and supporters with cash and work‐in‐kind contributions.

Members of the READI JIP represents all parts of the oil and gas value chain, and they are categorized as large operators, medium operators and small operators,  EPC’s and suppliers. In addition, regulators and authorities and standardization organisations participate.

Also, relevant industry organizations and standards custodians are invited into the project as observers.

READI has taken on a significant ambition, with a global reach. Consequently, we are actively working to extend our JIP partnership and strengthen our international profile.

Project organisation

All members of the project has one vote in the project steering committee. The steering committee is chaired by Equinor. The project is managed by DNV. The project manager reports to the steering committee, and the executive steering committee, and is supported by subject matter expert groups. Currently READI is divided into five Work Packages(WPs).

Below is an illustration of the project organisation.

Project schedule

READI was initiated in in the first half of 2018, and was kicked off June 2018. The project is planned to run through three phases. Phase 1 was completed April 2019, and phase 2 started September the same year. For details see the illustration below.

READI Schedule