Digital framework

READI is driven by the participants vision about saving cost while at the same time improving quality through interoperability in the entire value chain, and automation of work processes in the global oil and gas industry.

READI is developing a framework based on international standards with applicability globally. The figure below illustrates the framework, its main building blocks, how it supports READI’s vision and possible applications.

The READI Vision frameworks and use cases


A framework for governance and distribution of digital requirements, ensuring easy and sustainable access for the whole industry shall be established. To achieve this goal, READI shall specify a common web-based services for storage, management and distribution of requirements needs ensuring that the requirements, vocabularies, reference data libraries and generic asset model are accessible and understandable to both humans and computers. Following the JIP, the service shall be operated and maintained by a suitable industry partner to the best of the industry and safeguarding the intentions of the industry partners..

Methodology and tools

READI Method for digitization of requirements

One of the deliverables from READI is a method for expressing requirements in structured form and representing them digitally as structured data that machines can process. The aim of the method is to enable a transformative shift from today’s document centric practice of requirements management to a regime with digitized requirement specifications and digitalized work processes.

In simple terms, the READI method describes how to integrate common requirements, reference data (common vocabularies and asset models) and data about actual assets in an ontology. This is illustrated in the figure below. Plant (asset) objects, processes and their relationships is described by assign reference data library types to plant data. This same library is also used to formulate digital rules and requirements. The reference data library and the rules are both W3C compliant OWL2 ontologies using ISO 15926‐14 as upper ontology. The asset model is a separate ontology. Verifying that the asset is in accordance with the requirements is supported by semantic reasoning.

READI Tool Suite

The READI method is supported by the READI tool suite, which is a collection of prototype software components including tools for the representation of requirements, verification of requirements over an asset model, detection of duplicates, and identification of relevant requirements.