Asset Information Modelling Framework

The Asset Information Modelling Framework

READI has developed and introduced the Asset Information Modelling Framework (IMF) to bring about a change in the way of working in the industry. The goal is that the industry should share one and the same framework for modelling an asset with a rich, multidimensional structure.  The IMF makes it possible to proceed incrementally, modelling fragments of information step by step, such that each step gives value without the need for a huge upfront investment.

The IMF consists of principles for structuring of asset information. The resulting models serve to show how information is interrelated and support moving through the data using the perspective of choice. They enable richer data to be exchanged or even shared, they increase the breadth and quality of data, simplify reuse of existing solutions and open up for massive automation of repetitive and tedious data processing tasks that today can only be done by human experts.

The first release of the report describing the framework is available for download below.

Release 1 of the IMF document provides a description of the framework and methods.


Online launch of the IMF

Release 1 of IMF was launched in an online event March 24th 2021. Presentation and the Q&A from the event is available below. The recording of the event will be published shortly.

Recording of the IMF launch webinar.

Presentation from the IMF launch

Q&A from the IMF launch

Videos explaining IMF

Three videos have been made to simply explain why the IMF is needed, what it is and how it can be used. The three videos are published in READI’s Vimeo channel READI on Vimeo,. They are also made available below.

‘An introduction to AIMF for non ISO/IEC 81346 people’ gives a brief and simple explanation of the Asset Information Modelling framework for computerized asset modelling. If you want to understand what the IMF is, and you don’t know what ISO/IEC 81346 or a Reference Designation System are you should watch this video before you watch the other two.

‘AIMF The move part 1’, gives a high level introduction to IMF. Please note that you will get more out of the video if you understand what ISO/IEC 81346 and a Reference Designation System are when you watch it.

‘AIMF the movie part 2’ is a more comprehensive walk through of the IMF. After watching the video one will hopefully have a basic understanding of how asset information modelling can be done in a consistent and flexible manner across the industry.

An introduction to AIMF for non ISO/IEC 81346 people

AIMF The Move Part 1

IMF The Movie Part 2